You Need Social! Keep your website fresh and found.

Every company large and small needs to be active on social media platforms that work for you. It depends on what business you’re in and how committed you are to posting regularly. Embedding this content into your site will help get your site ranked higher in a google search. Bill Russell Design can help you with this. Here are my top ten most effective social media platforms on the web and why you should consider using them.


Facebook: Everyone should use Facebook, be it you, your business. Small business can share information about your company, that includes videos, ads and other content. Post once or twice a day in general. If an event is going on, then post regular updates about the event.

Twitter: Twitter is all about getting your the most current, most topical information. As it is a micro-blogging site, you can start a conversation or join one. It is the best platform to have a direct conversation with the customers and brands. As for post frequency, there’s no limit, as such. One can tweet multiple times in a day using a hashtag.

Instagram: This is the ideal social media platform for artists and other creatives. It is a great way to showcase your art and other visual content. Videos up to 15 seconds can be shared. Posting once in a day is enough for most businesses and individuals.

LinkedIn: This is best and can prove very useful for professionals, job seekers, recruiters, and B2B service providers. Share your company description, job postings, employee research and blogs. It is recommended to post three to five times in a week.

Pinterest: Curate your interests, like travel, fashion, food, culture and more. It really depends on what business your in. One can share visual material and other creative content on this platform. There’s no limit for posting in a day. It can be a major time suck.

Google+: This is a professional blog for businesses primarily, that can actually prove to be a good choice to improve your Google search ranking. As for post frequency, twice a day is more than enough.

YouTube: Uploading videos to YouTube will boost your search engine optimization. A video ad shouldn’t be more than two minutes in length. However, a video describing something, educating or entertaining customers can be longer. Post videos monthly and build your channel.

Yelp: Yelp for some is controversial, but it’s here to stay and is necessary for restaurants, travel companies, B2B companies, reviewers, and other brick-and-mortar outlets. People use it for it’s reviews and descriptions. Posting weekly is recommended.

Tumblr: This is a micro-blogging site used by bloggers, companies, and businesses for promotion. Post text, photos, quotes, links, music, and videos and more…no more than once in a day.

Slideshare: Businesses can submit a presentation or tutorial in the form of slides on Slideshare. Share your knowledge with customers about the branded products and services you offer. Post once in a week.