Why Fonts Matter

As a web designer, it’s my job to present a client with a range of font choices for their website. It’s one very important component that defines your business brand. A great font tells a story and brings a voice to what you and your business do. A good typeface...

Is your Website Optimized?

The important things we rely on to perform for us require regular upkeep and maintenance. Like tuning up your car, optimizing your website insures peak performance and prevents unforeseen breakdowns. Every few months systems on the web, like Google Search, WordPress,...

Human-centered Web Design

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s the need to be empathetic. Given the challenges of the pandemic, people have had to make adjustments on how to run their businesses, as well as how they communicate with clients and potential clients. They should know that...

Hero Images

A hero image is an attention grabber. With the growing attention to prominent visual details and a diversity of graphics on modern websites, the approach of using a hero image seems to move from trend to a well-established strategy and how to make it work for a...

Insalata’s Restaurant

During this pandemic, small businesses have struggled to stay viable and safe with the various lockdown directives from the various authorities, Insalata’s Restaurant of San Anselmo needed to manage the economics to keeping their business open and people...

Top Ten Parks

Bill Russell Design recently completed a website that showcases the top ten parks in California, including custom branding, interface design, logo design, interactive elements like image sliders and more. Check out...

International Guitar Night

Brian Gore commissioned Bill Russell Design to illustrate CD packages for International Guitar Night, his touring group of world-class guitar players. It led to Bill Russell Design creating a complete visual branding and their...